Arte Mundi Children Art Parquet Collection got idea from geometrical figure in mathematics. When the family chose Arte Mundi floor, the parents will encourage the children to join the procedure of floor laying to complete children room floor design, which will be the only one design of the world.
Magic Square
Starting from Aesthetic culture, decorated with fashionable squares. Different color and reflection of lights, floor seems jumping.
Colorful Rainbow
Seven colors of rainbow are pure and used in floor, meanwhile jointed with small pieces parquets, show the colorful furnishing characters.
Color Structure
Color is a kind of structure expressing the idea of “uniform”: uniform of color and content, uniform of color and design function, uniform of color and aesthetic demand.
Beauty of Tangram
The ancient China toy-Tangram brings idea to Arte Mundi floor: we made different shapes to show various Tangram patterns in our floor, which helped children understand shape concept when playing.